Sunday, January 9, 2011

outdoor class

assalamualaikum....nme aq nik mohd izzat tp mmbr pggl aq nik.rinie firstday aq msk class outdoor recreation,pergh agk pnt jgk lar sbb aq dpt cm2 input cnthnye cm jns2 khemah,dew yg one season dew yg four season..brg2 tok g bekhemah pown byk yg aq taw mse firstday aq kt dlm class outdoor...en.zainal pown best gk sbb dye x trlalu straight sgt and dye cool dpt msk class dye...neway aq hope nxt class aq jd g best and byk g input yg aq akn dpt...

1 comment:

  1. Post terlalu ringkas. Sila sertakan gambar2 yg menarik. jangan malas2!!
